Peyers Patches

Peyers Patches

Peyers Patches are located in the mucosa of the small intestine, especially the ileum. Vital Life energy formulas and castor oil packs over the small intestines strengthen the release of T cells stored in the spleen. They are small masses of lymphatic tissue in the mucous membrane that lines your small intestine. These lymphoid cells monitor and destroy bacteria in the intestines and support the spleen to filter blood as part of the  immune system. Old red blood cells are recycled in the spleen, and platelets and white blood cells are stored there. The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacterial infections and synthesize antibodies. The Peyer patches contain lymphocytes such as T cells and B cells so that when an infection occurs they can protect the interior of the intestine. Peyer’s patches can mitigate the immune response to prevent intense side effects that may damage the intestinal wall. These Peyer patches connect to the lymphatic vessels of the groin
that drain the lymph nodes down the legs into the sigmoid colon and appendix and  ileocecal valve
branching into the Peyers Patches at the umbilicus, to the spleen, and up to the thymus gland
and lymphatic vessels under the arms to the lymph nodes in the neck tonsils and adenoids.
Amino acids activate t cells to move through the lymph nodes and lymph vessels in the thighs, groin, sigmoid, and appendix to the Peyers Patches and spleen.  . This traveling process occurs in one manner within lymph nodes (LNs), where recirculating T cells in 
the lymphatic system collects excess fluid that drains from cells and tissue throughout the body, returns it to the bloodstream to the liver, and then recirculates through the body.  Our lymphatic system drains up into the ears, nose and throat. Peyer’s patches are small masses of lymphatic tissue in the mucous membrane that lines your small intestine. These lymphoid cells monitor and destroy bacteria in the intestines.
What are afferent and efferent lymphatic vessels?
Afferent lymphatic vessels flow into a lymph node and carry unfiltered lymph fluid. Efferent lymphatic vessels flow out of a lymph node and carry filtered lymph fluid. Lymph vessels that leave the thymus or spleen (which lack afferent vessels) also fall into this category.
When you do the castor oil packs it helps the efferent lymphatic vessels to flow lymph with filtered lymph fluid assisting the spleen and thymus to circulate afferent lymph fluid. When the Peyers patches dehydrate it affects the spleen and the thymus gland.  
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